This is a new addition to my blog. I'd like to be able to keep up with the activities of my students on my blog, so that it can be edited more quickly and efficiently than on my website. So . . . please let me know what you are up to and I promise it will get published here!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Any Questions?

It's been a very busy few months, with teaching, traveling, auditioning, rehearsing, filming and living.  I'm enjoying writing these blog entries a great deal and especially enjoy reading any comments or responses I've been receiving back from you.  I'd like to know now if there are any questions you might have for me.  As the summer arrives and many of my students take off for camp or summer stock or European gigs I find myself with more time on my hands and the desire to communicate more through this new creative outlet.  So, here I am.  Is anybody there?

1 comment:

Erin Cronican said...

I'm here! And I am having a tough time coming up with a question, because you are so thorough and giving in your lessons with me.

But I think a blog like this is a perfect way for singers, actors, dancer- whomever reads this - to get some free advice about vocals.

Utilize Joan's experience and talent- she is amazing!